Registration > Payment Instructions


The registration is now open!

Please first register on

Then Proceed to payment on the following Registration confirmation & Payment Site

Please follow the instructions on screen, and fill *all* mandatory fields. It should take you no more than 5 minutes.

You will go through three individual sections (Personal data, Logistical information - please insert your food restrictions if you have any - and Registration/Billing).



2-Before proceeding to billing and payment, you will be asked to either bill the registration to your own name or to your organization. Please recall that you may insert the professional ID of your organization, which will be necessary for claiming VAT reimbursement once back to your country.

3-If you chose to pay through credit card, YOU MUST COMPLETE PAYMENT AS YOU REGISTER. LOGGING OUT HOPING TO PAY LATER WILL BLOCK YOUR CONFERENCE ACCOUNT, and will require that you register again using a different email address.

4-If you chose to pay through Transfer or Purchase order, you will receive an e-mail with your pre-order note attached ('bon_de_commande.pdf'). You must then either:

*Send an order note from your institution to 'CNRS - Délégation Midi-Pyrénées' (the full address is indicated in the pre-order note ) ATTACHING the pre-order note,


*Pay via bank transfer using the bank details provided in the e-mail for 'L'Agent comptable Secondaire du CNRS DR14' with the reference : F0937808986/0116

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