Committees > Scientific Committee





The ISBA9 Scientific committee consists of 55 world-reknown experts in the full range of methods and topics in Biomolecular Archaeology, and coming from 35 International Institutions in China, Europe, and Northern America. The committee members will be in charge of shortlisting submissions for oral communications and posters. They will also select the participants to the 'ISBA Future Fellow' award, by chosing a minimum of one submission within each of the main topics below. This new competition will be running on the last afternoon of the conference and will be aimed at awarding the most promising young scholar(s) within the field.

Ancient Proteins


Diet & Cuisine

Human Evolution (Demography, Migration & Selection)

Human Evolution (Deep time)

Pathogens & Microbes

Animal Evolution and Domestication

Plant Evolution & Domestication

The bioarcheology of material culture


Methods in Biomolecular Archaeology

The archaeology of the individual / The social life of biomolecules






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